imma post

Back on a Reading Spree

I recently bought a Kindle! I'll posting updates on my Goodreads and my reading journey and try to update this dead website as much as i can XD It's been really hard trying to get back into reading after being locked up in my house for a year or two (sounds like i was in… Continue reading Back on a Reading Spree

Posted in lol

Kick, Punch! It’s all in the Mind! : A Spoilerfree Cobra Kai S3 Review

The 80s were a great year for the movies. Horror, comedy, romance or drama. There are a lot of iconic films that generated the modern pop culture and shaped most of our parent's childhood ( for the millennials and Gen Z of course). For horror, there was Freddy Krueger, for comedy there was Ferris Bueller's… Continue reading Kick, Punch! It’s all in the Mind! : A Spoilerfree Cobra Kai S3 Review